Final Logo Project

If you look at my original draft logo and compare it to my now final design, you will be able to notice what a significant difference they both have. I revised my original draft quite a lot and I made changes that I am much happier with.

Design influences that inspired me were different makeup brands and the design logos that they all had. It was kind of difficult to come up with something since all of their logos are made to represent their makeup brand name and since I don’t have a name I had to pick something that had correlation with makeup. I looked up a ton of different makeup brand logos and I looked through their images to try and come up with something. In the end, I decided to stick with a simple lip shape since I believe it is easier to tell something has to do with makeup when there is an image of lips involved.

For my final design, I used different tools than what I had used for my draft logo project. I mainly used the arc tool and the line segment tool to create a bunch of different lines so they could go together and make a lip shape. It was difficult at first to just make lips out of lines but eventually it worked out and I decided to add another line through the top lip so it could have more to it; I will describe all of the shapes in the lips.

So first, you have the basic lip shape that can be seen all around, but as mentioned previously by adding another line in the top lip it makes it seem like there is another set of lips at the top. The basic lip shape also comes to the form of a heart and that is because I love makeup and wanted it to subtly show that through the logo. Some challenges that I encountered were just trying to make the lines reflect and fit together while creating the shape of the lips.

I actually didn’t receive any feedback so I just changed the lips according to what I thought would fit best. Overall, I am much happier with the final design that I came up with.

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