Final Logo Project

If you look at my original draft logo and compare it to my now final design, you will be able to notice what a significant difference they both have. I revised my original draft quite a lot and I made changes that I am much happier with.

Design influences that inspired me were different makeup brands and the design logos that they all had. It was kind of difficult to come up with something since all of their logos are made to represent their makeup brand name and since I don’t have a name I had to pick something that had correlation with makeup. I looked up a ton of different makeup brand logos and I looked through their images to try and come up with something. In the end, I decided to stick with a simple lip shape since I believe it is easier to tell something has to do with makeup when there is an image of lips involved.

For my final design, I used different tools than what I had used for my draft logo project. I mainly used the arc tool and the line segment tool to create a bunch of different lines so they could go together and make a lip shape. It was difficult at first to just make lips out of lines but eventually it worked out and I decided to add another line through the top lip so it could have more to it; I will describe all of the shapes in the lips.

So first, you have the basic lip shape that can be seen all around, but as mentioned previously by adding another line in the top lip it makes it seem like there is another set of lips at the top. The basic lip shape also comes to the form of a heart and that is because I love makeup and wanted it to subtly show that through the logo. Some challenges that I encountered were just trying to make the lines reflect and fit together while creating the shape of the lips.

I actually didn’t receive any feedback so I just changed the lips according to what I thought would fit best. Overall, I am much happier with the final design that I came up with.

Draft Logo Project


For this project I decided to create Lips since my project as a whole is based on makeup. The lips relate to my course topic for the reason that I created lips for a logo and I think it is a very basic universal sign of makeup without adding in other makeup tools. Design influences that inspired me were different makeup brands and the design logos that they all had. It was kind of difficult to come up with something since all of their logos are made to represent their makeup brand name and since I don’t have a name I had to pick something that had correlation with makeup. I looked up a ton of different makeup brand logos and I looked through their images to try and come up with something. The significance of the elements in my design is that I wanted it to be created through different shapes and since this is just a rough draft I haven’t added the different colors or other shapes that I want to go inside of it. I also want those shapes to vary in different shades so there can be different tones and dimension to it.

My design process was kind of difficult because at first, I had no idea how I wanted the logo to look like. I was originally going to do a bunch of makeup brushes, or a mirror with the lips on it, or lipstick/mascara but I thought about all of the articles that I read (that were provided for us in case we needed help) and I remembered it is best to keep things simple.

To make the lip shape I used the pen tool and I copied and pasted to make both top sides of the lips even. I had a different shape for the bottom lip at first but I didn’t like how that looked so I changed it. Challenges that I encountered were trying to fill the color in but then I outlined the whole thing and made a swatch color for it. The stroke is purposefully left another color so that there can be two tones to it but eventually I want to add more.

Logo Sketch

My idea for the logo came because I wanted to keep it simple as all of the articles suggested. Since my graphic design project included a lot of lips in the background I wanted to keep the theme going and make my logo a basic lip shape. All of the different lines mean different shapes that I would like to be able to use to make up the lip shape as well as varying colors.

Final Graphic Design Project

There was a very long process of editing to get to my final draft in a way that I was happy with. As I had said for my draft, I wanted to create something that showed makeup in a creative and artistic way. For my draft, I had used different tools in Photoshop such as lasso tool to crop one of the two images that showed makeup, magic bar tool to get rid of the background of the other makeup image, opacity so that the flowers would show up differently, layering of the flowers and different filters for the images like changing the saturation, contrast and brightness.

The feedback that I had received said that they liked the idea of the theme and the contrast that the images showed so that let me know that I was heading in the right direction. I eventually decided to change the background of my image completely because although flowers and sunset-like colors can be incorporated into makeup, I didn’t feel as if they told the whole story or as if the images flowed well together. I had an image of lips and a lipstick that I had originally planned to use for the draft but then decided not to and that was mostly since I didn’t know how to crop them so I could use them separately. Since I wanted to include more images that had to do with makeup I was originally going to replace the flowers with the lips that are now shown in the final draft, but then I thought that it would look better if I filled the background by layering multiple lips of varying sizes on top of each other and then placing a couple of lipsticks on top.

The original colors of the lipstick and lips didn’t match with my other two makeup images so I used the paint bucket tool and chose only two colors that I liked better and used the eyedropper tool to apply them to the lipstick and changed the colors. One side of the lips (the lighter pink side) matches with the neutral colors of the left side’s makeup, while the left side of the lips matches with the right side’s makeup. I left it that way because I like how it ends up being the opposite and overall, I wanted there to be a balance so it wasn’t completely divided into two sides.

I added stroke and changed it to white for every single photo used on my final draft. I liked the contrast and the kind of effect the white border gave to everything. I decided to leave in the text but change the color of it and I also left the two makeup images because again, I wanted to show differences in makeup. I like my final draft way more than my original draft because it shows more of makeup and the images that I used make more sense. The lipstick and lips don’t belong to me and they both came in the same image, I retrieved the image from and this is the URL to the image The two images of the heads are of myself and I took both of those images.

Graphic Design Draft

For this project, I decided to create something that reflected how different makeup can be. This project relates to my topic for the reason that I used two of my own pictures of makeup that I have done before so that I was able to incorporate a bit of myself as well as other things that I like.

It took me a long time to figure out what I wanted to do with the project, but as previously mentioned I wanted to put in a bit of myself in it with the sky and the colors yellow and lavender. I played around with the design a lot until I decided that this is what I liked best.  At the start, I just had a plain purple background and the two pictures of myself and I wasn’t satisfied with it because it didn’t tell a story. I then decided to look up a picture of a purple sky and flowers and remembered that I could layer and change the opacity of things so that made the design look even better.

I used a lot of different techniques while designing the project. I used the lasso tool and the magic bar tool to crop my photos. I used free transform a lot to change the sizes, and I played around with the opacity of the flowers to make it a variation. I also changed the hue and saturation of the sky beforehand because I wanted to change the tone of the purple. I struggled a bit at first when using the magic wand tool when I had to select, deselect, and inverse the photos but at the end I got the hang of it and figured it out.

The photo of the sky ( and the flowers ( are not mine and I got them both off, the other two pictures are of myself and taken by me.

Introduction to The Blog

Purpose of Blog

The topic that I will be blogging about will be makeup. I have selected to demonstrate my makeup skills in my blog because it is something that I enjoy doing, I am passionate about makeup and I feel like it is a universal way for everyone to express themselves. Makeup also varies in styles and I would like to show a diversity of that in my blog.


Makeup is something that I have tons of fun doing, if I’m ever bored I can just do my makeup and play around with colors since there’s no rules to it. I find it fascinating when I see a video or post about makeup and then when I go to recreate it, it comes out just like I had seen it. I like being able challenge myself and not just stick to the beauty side of makeup, I like SFX Makeup as well. As mentioned in the about section of my blog, I haven’t been doing makeup for very long but I feel like I’m decent at it. It’s incredible how many different looks you’re able to create, even adding a twist to a look you’ve already seen is something I find to be very cool.

The Plan

I want to take pictures as well as upload some of looks that I have already done in the past. I also want to record a few video tutorials on makeup and demonstrate what colors I used.


For 1 and 4 I have the idea to make a poster with the title of my blog and a couple of pictures of makeup that I’ve done, for Unit 4 I want to record myself doing makeup and provide audio with what I’m doing.

Inspiration File

This isn’t a blog but a makeup channel, I am very inspired by the kinds of makeup looks this girl Daisy does, I have also recreated a few by following along with her tutorials.

I find a lot of inspiration from this girl on Instagram because she creates looks that you don’t often see, and I love seeing what she comes up with.

This is another Instagram page that I wanted to include because just like the previous girl, I love seeing her makeup looks and the things that she uses to create them.