
Screen Shot 2018-01-10 at 3.25.16 PM

Jaed M Rivera

I come from a very small town in the west side of Washington named Wapato and if you don’t know where that is don’t worry not many people do! If it helps, it is about 2 hours away from Seattle. I graduated high school in 2017 and decided to leave my hometown for another town named Pullman. Even though its four hours away from home and I sometimes miss it, I wouldn’t change the choices I’ve made.

I have wanted to attend Washington State University ever since my seventh-grade class made a trip here. I remember walking around campus and thinking how beautiful it was. We even went into a circle like room where they displayed different constellations onto the ceiling. I wanted to come here so that I could find something that I was interested in and make a career out of it. I don’t have a set career in mind yet but I do know I want to go into the communications field.

I have a wide variety of interests those which include but aren’t limited to: makeup, baking, sports, video games, and acting. During high school, I did track & field and I loved it, I looked forward to going to after school practice all the time. Makeup is something that I’ve loved doing since I was 15 and that brings me to the purpose of this blog.

For me, makeup can be considered a hobby. It is something I like to do when I’m bored or whenever I see a picture or a video of something that I like. Halloween is especially fun because I can experiment with SFX on either my brother or myself. I love all kinds of makeup whether it’s simple, a transformation, or uses a ton of fake blood. I want to share the passion that I have with makeup and maybe even demonstrate a couple of things.