Graphic Design Draft

For this project, I decided to create something that reflected how different makeup can be. This project relates to my topic for the reason that I used two of my own pictures of makeup that I have done before so that I was able to incorporate a bit of myself as well as other things that I like.

It took me a long time to figure out what I wanted to do with the project, but as previously mentioned I wanted to put in a bit of myself in it with the sky and the colors yellow and lavender. I played around with the design a lot until I decided that this is what I liked best.  At the start, I just had a plain purple background and the two pictures of myself and I wasn’t satisfied with it because it didn’t tell a story. I then decided to look up a picture of a purple sky and flowers and remembered that I could layer and change the opacity of things so that made the design look even better.

I used a lot of different techniques while designing the project. I used the lasso tool and the magic bar tool to crop my photos. I used free transform a lot to change the sizes, and I played around with the opacity of the flowers to make it a variation. I also changed the hue and saturation of the sky beforehand because I wanted to change the tone of the purple. I struggled a bit at first when using the magic wand tool when I had to select, deselect, and inverse the photos but at the end I got the hang of it and figured it out.

The photo of the sky ( and the flowers ( are not mine and I got them both off, the other two pictures are of myself and taken by me.

2 thoughts on “Graphic Design Draft

  1. I like the idea behind the theme of this design, that applying make-up is a form of art. I see countless videos on social media of talented makeup artists showing tutorials on how to apply fancy make up so in my mind I would think that make up is a type of art. The two heads masked into the design have different contrasts and different brightness which shows that different make up can be applied in different ways just as you say in the description of your design. One thing I would suggest doing is using the pop-art tile photoshop tutorial and adding multiple instances of different styles of makeup being applied to one’s head. This way the viewer can see the varying differences that subtle changes in makeup can have.


  2. I feel like I should add more makeup based pictures to my project because I feel like from what I saw that is basically what everyone had, meaning they only had pictures on what their project was on so I feel like I should add more to mine to get the point of my project across. I still like the color scheme and my overall design I just feel like I could do a better job. Only one person gave me feedback and I want to take their suggestion into consideration and do kind of pop-art and add more makeup to the whole picture. I think I’ll still keep the flowers but I will use less and let the main focus be makeup. I want to improve my design and have something better for my final draft. I will probably also take the text off of my final design but I’ll see how I feel about it.


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